Sunday, July 29, 2012

A dream

I had two that I remember from last night, but this one seemed more fun.

I was walking, in the park when I approached you. It was as if we had met before, like in many of the dreams I have -where the person seems familiar even when they aren't. Like how I imagine in my waking life, one day I will happen upon you, or another one of you (dream girls) and just say "Hey, where have you been hiding, I've been waiting forever" to which you will reply "Mike, I'm here now, quit complaining" and then we will walk off together. Which is basically what happened. 

I approached you, short hair, elfish, dark late fall clothes, it was cool out, it was getting darker, but I could see your glowing face and you could see mine.  I was captivated, like I am by every pretty girl's smile. I was confident, I approached you. But likewise, you approached me, like you'd been waiting, just standing there waiting for this stranger with his long hair and his off-kilter confidence to say "hey"  or whatever it was I said to you, because we weren't really saying things, not really. 
It was if we were reading each-other's minds, each-other's futures. 
More like saying "Are you sure? because I think I am" and then the other would say the same as we continued to mind read each secret, each story. We walked, arm and arm, smiling, laughing, singing maybe, because our talk wasn't vocal, but we were sharing... and this was our first date but because we had known each other and because we were reading each others future, when we ran into Jess and her friend, you introduced yourself and she did, and said we looked like a good couple, which we weren't yet, but we didn't correct her because we planned to be, we were already committed somehow, and so we all walked together to her house or her cabin and momentarily I fell behind, in my joy of the thing, trying to understand the thing, trying to explain the excitement and happiness of it all... and when I approached the house I knew the majority were watching something, I could hear them all together watching a movie, loud and social, and I thought to myself how I didn't want you to be amongst them, because I wanted to steal your cute elfishness and keep it for myself, keep exploring with you, smiling, reassuring.  So I looked in the room off to the side, hoping you would be there, and you were... smiling you looked up, you were petting a dog (yes apparently dogs don't freak me out in dreams), you wanted to show me how it was curled up and sleeping and cute, and I thought "how funny she likes dogs, of course she likes dogs and of course they like her" because in my dream all of life loved you, was attracted to you, belonged to you, the way I did, and the way I wanted you to be attracted to me. 
And I walked over to pet the dog and be in your presence, and I did (pet the dog) and it was warm, and I did (enter your presence) and it was warm. 

And I woke up happy for a moment, filled with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Why have you not yet come home to me?
I assume you share these daydream “memories” that feel so real but must be fantasies, that must be reflections of our time spent in dreams, that must be reflections of our time spent in alternative realities"

from a poem.