Friday, July 20, 2012

1:25 in the AM
I think this boredom and loneliness is starting to take its toll. I can't tell if the insecure things I am thinking are real or just thoughts.

Things keep breaking, my cd player wont play cds, my comp's sound isnt working properly (I have to use headphones). Its annoying when you are home much of the day.

Tomorrow I have nothing.  Sat, Sun, Monday and Wednesday I have plans so far. May see a show on Friday of next week, but tomorrow I have nothing.

 I had a list of 4-5 topics to write about in cases I couldn't think of anything.

lets see
*south armerica
*fantasy child arrangement (I am going through with at least the next steps)

None of those seem like great topics
The south america thing is that I am learning a lot more because of the book I am reading about the history of indigenous cultures and civilizations in South America and it is ridiculously fascinating. 
 Makes me want to spend 6 months there, which is good, because I am pretty sure that I am going to within the next few years.  
Its also one of the only things that has ever made me fascinated with textiles. 
Spanish conquistadors  found that  Inka woven armor was as affective and more agile/versatile than their steel plates, so they ditched their armor and "went native."
The Inka language may or may not have been only verbal, there is a significant amount of evidence to suggest that quipu were actually a "written" form of communication, the quipu served minimally as an accounting device, but some suggest that using the knots in a binary fashion, along with the total amounts of variations of string and knots, one could produce more "characters" than any of the written languages of the time. Meaning the Inka language may have been transmittable through string...
anyway I strongly suggest the book 1491

Fantasy child arrangements... 
Well I just don't know.  

in the last episode of man men I watched a lady was telling Don his fortune and she said basically that the only reason he wasn't part of the world is because he saw himself as alone.   Is this the human condition or just a guy thing or what?

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