Sunday, March 01, 2009

So one of the things that gets to me when playing guitar is that I don't understand how the instrument works. And that will take a while... like with a piano or drums its so easy... percussion is bueno. On a keyboard if you want to go higher you go to the right, if you want to go lower you go left... half steps can make your sharps and flats. Chords are generally a finger or two off from what you would think they are.... but with a guitar every chord is different. the difference between a major and minor is still usually that half step, but completely different each time.
When I want to play something I don't instantly recognize the chord when it is repeated...

for instance, a summer or two ago I was listening to some damien rice, who is actually pretty easy to play and I just started messing around to find the right notes on the keyboard. sure I may not play it exactly right... I might play the note when they play half the chord... but the melody isn't as tough... but with a guitar I gotta spend like an hour looking up the chords, and then mess around with it until it sounds "ok"
still... I figure if I keep playing a half an hour -hour a day I should be able to be comfortable with some things by like fall right?
One thing I really gotta work on is my rhythm on the guitar... strumming chords is not as easy as playing a chord on a piano.
Plus there are 6 strings and half the time you only play 4-5...
Plus you gotta have your left hand in the right place.

Shit is tough.... oh and if I do get decent enough to play... i have to go buy an acoustic, because you can't play an unplugged electric when you go camping, or when you are sitting around with your friends.

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