Monday, October 13, 2008

a dream

I was sneaking into a party an ex girlfriend was having. She seemed to be the leader of this group that invited anyone from anywhere. The house was huge and dark and creepy and weird, later in the dream it wasn't a house at all, more like a large factory.
The house seemed like something you might find in a movie about the deep south (not a plantation house, but a sort of in the middle of the swamp large house). Anyway the party was underway and I was meeting people, enjoying myself but aware that I might be caught at any moment. Unsure if she would be happy or kick me out. At a few points I swore she should have recognized me, but no reaction. After a few hours I became sort of disheartened and walked down a long hall (which started to look like a large warehouse, in which the sides had walk ways. I was on one, and crossed over to the other.
I met a man there he told me we were spies.
I was anxious to get back to the party because I knew she would be singing soon.
But the man, told me to go over my actions again, and this time when I walked across it was a different man, being held by three goons, and when he showed them his tongue he had pills (ready to swallow). A closer examination showed that they were the most extreme form of hallucinogen and in an extreme dosage they were beyond lethal, he was a doctor and knew exactly what would happen to him if he swallowed those pills. Not death, but something far worse. His skin would turn multicolor. The pain caused in his dreams would be so realistic that he would no longer feel physical pain (thus torture would not work) but he would need to spend the rest of his life seeking out a pain killed (that had not been found or invented yet). I realized his high position as a research doctor allowed him to blackmail them with his own life/mind. They wouldn't touch him.
The next phase of the dream got even weirder.
Another man started running, and I followed, for I wasn't just a spy, I was a superhero spy.
I was part of a threesome of male superhero spies who had crazy weapons and could fly and do all sorts of weird shit. We chased the individual with ease, but at one point a female hero (with similar powers) was also chasing him and seemed to be competing with us. I was sure she got those powers from me (familiar *wink*), and that my partners did not know her.
Anyway, the man made it to some sort of suburban house/meeting point (because we let him). and we all busted in through the windows (unaware of pain, physically impervious?)
We laughed at the room full of men who tried to escape, all in blue track suits.
One man shit himself, and then claimed that he couldn't be taken to jail because of it.
We laughed. They were so clearly out gunned and so clearly guilty of whatever crime a superhero spy would investigate.


Anonymous said...

You really defy that statistics about 99.9% of guys who never remember dreams... congrats on being .01%!

Anonymous said...

no i rarely do... but i love them so much that when I do I try to write them down in here.