Monday, September 03, 2007

For the record, this time of being single -mixed with the last year or two, has actually made me more egotistical and more willing to admit things I normally wouldn't. At the same time, less judgemental and more sympathetic to people I normally wouldn't be.

This is opposite of the normal routine, either thats growth or i have been traveling sideways for quite a while.

The best teachers care, they dont just read from the text, they add to the normal history and give the history of all things. they care, they dont hurt or punish, they sympathise, but are wise enough to set high expectations. they give breaks where breaks are needed and support at all times, but especially the important times. They admit mistakes, they dont set themselves higher than the students... they see that all people have something to offer, and hope to make the environment and society in the classroom a place where all people feel comfortable enough to offer what they have and learn from everyone else.
I think 2 rules for my future classroom:
Respect all people, (yourself, peers and teacher)
Respect the environment in which you live and learn (its yours, use it dont abuse it)

i'll see you later my lovely man if i can.

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