Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Well what do we talk about on valentines day?
we talks about loves and celebrations no?

I was looking through the last few years archives and what not..

this will be my first v day alone since i was 19...
*i think that year I went to a basketball game with steve.
*when i was 20 i think i went to a movie and dinner with becky or something
*21 wasnt mentioned... i think we celebrated but she was never to keen on me posting shit about her
*last year i was in madrid, but technically had a lady friend
*this year, class... hopefully submit my application to teach for america... do homework. maybe go to a potluck/party at the yellow house. but nothin too spectacular..
I know I use to think not so highly of valentines day... and though a closet romantic... i have never been very good at being formal.

I was sort of considering sending flowers to someone... but thought it might be inappropriate... especially considering i would have done it anonymously.

um so i guess its just another day... no love poetry, no confessions, no brilliant or rambling speeches.
one sick mike doing homework and listening to humanboy.

you enjoy yourselves now... and dont do anything stupid out of loneliness.

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