Ok so I get home and i cant even work the damn website from here, rediculous really, no? (this will not be spell checked)
So I had my fish and chips, and got a 40 pence paper with the headline london on full terror alert cuz thats just too good to mis no?
Chilled in Bayswater area london for a bit. Went to bed sitting up.
The next morning I packed and watched cricket for the first time in my life, thats a complicated game, at least the scoring is. Most of the people at the place I was staying were like long term residents so I didnt really try to get in their group or anything. Just chilled, observed. (listening to the drones and you and the sound, tim is funny, he put a quote of mine on their website (im assuming tim did it, maybe someone els is running the you and the sound website though) Speaking of which in custums yesterday i was but hours away from mat and some other cats in chicago, but we will get back to that in a min (ooh story)
So Then I went to the airport, like 5 hours early. Yep, and then I as bored at the airport, cuz well u can only buy so much over priced candy and magazines. I bought a tabloid paper (i think) to compare to the other. Hmm big difference, one has full frontal nudity the other has full frontal army pictures. Which is scarier? which would you want your child to see?
So anyway the had one of those games where you drop a coin in and it falls down and knocks other coins over the edge and its like gambling for 8 years olds... And im eight so there goes 3 pounds, fuck.
Hmm theres not much else to say about heathrow, I didnt actually see any of the 450 armed guards outside. They stick to their positions or blended into the concrete or something. Oh the checks at heathrow, like metal detecters and shit were the best I had seen, thus far. (ooh story) They even made me take off my boots, which I warned them about, cuz well the smell alone is deadly. But they insisted so, the woman held her breath, and did a quick scan, and then insisted I put them back on.
On the plane I managed to have three seats to myself (must have been the smell)
Watched a few movies (basically the bad movies that were going into the theater before i left were now on video) Saw a movie called collinwood, the tuxedo and another that i cant remember.
fumbled around with how to make my custums card not look funny. Apparently did not succeed...
Story time
So I passed through the passport check without problems, the lady even said welcome home and to tell the truth I was feeling really good, slightly nervous, but good. Waited for my bag, wait wait wait, ok it arrives, falls down the thing comes arund the side, I grab it and turn around and Bam "you sir come this way"
"ok" So me and the officer start talking, and he asks me the normal questions (im kind wondering if he is just gonna help me get through custums quicker or if they really do just go by looks in those places.
Well Turns out they go by looks, and the fact that I look like a pot smoker, (or an easily succeptable to the brainwashing of terrorists kinda guy) and the fact that i had a huge bag that kinda stuck out, as well as several countries on the list of possible "bad" places. e turkey morocco and such, well all those things added up to help me none. (yet to be in a situation where they do help) but anyway.
So hes asking questions, and all of a sudden he just drops this little brochure thate says "why is this happening to me" and gives a whole lot of bs about picking "random" people. So I keep answering getting slightly nervous since now I know my bags will be checked. But im still being helpful, "maybe they will respect my personal things" hehehe
So anyway they are taking all my shit out, rather carelessly just going through it like it was garbage, and a lot of it is but hey thats the garbage i been living with for 4 and a half months. Ooh dirty clothes. The guy had to check those out rather good despite the incredible disgustingness of them, because maybe i was holding pot or something. And then they foun the quaran, and things took a change in tone. And they started asking questions sort of under the table, like "how long you been studying?" "studying what?" oh you know islam, that sort of thing, and this persisted a long with several lecture about how america is a great place, (something i wasnt entirely convinced otherwise about, or something) anyway, the guy kept hinting around saying things in arabic occasionally and i refused to give in cuz really there was nothing there, so what the fuck, and you can be sure i would have been a bit mouthy had i not been carrying the next little article they pulled out and showed interest in. A 1.5 liter bottle of pepsi, or rather green liquid in a pepsi bottle. "whats this?"
"uh thats alcohol." "really ok" they continued their search (i was thinking, well thats strange, he didnt even give it a second thought, just put it off to the side, maybe im ok.) OOH a turkish rug, "that looks like a prayer rug. How long you been studying my man?"
"uh I dont think its a prayer rug, just a normal kilim." "yeah but isnt that what you (he says this more like hes asking a question not directly for me, but kinda hinting around still.) use to pray?" "uh dont think so"
So then they find some christian shit and just toss it basically, err rather disregard it. Then they find my journals and sketch pad, and take quite an interest. As if im a talented writer, or artist. I took pride in that, except the one guy was really wondering about some of the journal entries, like reading them to himself. So they are still looking and not really finding anything and the guy asks what kind of alcohol it is, and i tell him its absinthe. He doesnt know what that is, he calls his superviser, then takes me to the side gives me a lecture on america and turning into my father and stuff. (i think he was trying to say i will want to be a capitalist when im older, but my dad works in a school, so he picked a bad example) Anyway none of the officers (there were about 4 or 5) knew what absinthe was so once again i was thinking, im cool im cool, then the supervisor came down and she told me it was illegal and i faked like i had no idea, and "why is it illegal?" i asked later.
anyway they let me off, which was nice of them, and i ran to the bathroom shortly after cuz i wasnt feeling so good. But basically I could have been down for some hefty fines, but they were more worried about me being a terrorist. So i guess terrorism saved me.
Still it was a traumatic experiance. They took my absinthe, dumped it. packed my shit up all awkwardly so that it wasnt evenly distributed, and everything was everywhere. Sent me on my way.
Its cold here.
Minneapolis was nothing. I have been feeling the need to tell everyone this story, but i havenae told my parents, though i did say i got checked at custums.
So it was weird to be home, err is weird. I got in at like 9:45 i think which is like 4:45 spain time (which im still kind of on) and uh i was out of it, nice to see my rents but i didnt know what to say. Steve seems taller. He didnt talk a whole lot.
My mom painted my room and took out my desk and computer, so it seems kind of empty.
I showered, changed into nice clean clothes. even combed my hair, yet to shave (its been like 5 and a half months or so, yet to grow anything really)
Talked to pete, went online, watched american tv. not much else to say. Its weird to be home, i felt kind of like crying on the way home, not sure if it was "glad to be home" or "god this is dull" my home doesnt feel like its mine, im visiting, i once lived here, a long time ago.
Im sure im forgetting something but i dont care. I want to see people, but all the ones who are here are at school. I dotn have my car yet and im not looking forward to going outside, or driving. Im somewhat nervous about meeting people, (im sure this wont be the case) but im sort of wondering if i made the right decision to come back when i did, err now. I got stuff to do but im not ready to undertake it cuz that means im really home. That means there is no going back. On my trip I had several dreams that i came home for week just to say hi and went back out again. This will not be the case. Or at least it will take a while. I have to sign up for college, and shit, go to the bank, get an oil change, go to work, find a job, get everything done. Shit i been avoiding with trips to europe and such. Oh reality you are a dreadful foe, but we shall walk together for a time no? looking forward, looking back, waiting to see you. Peace and love Taff
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