Thursday, May 15, 2014


I've been having this dream that I am in bed (my moms old house is slp). And suddenly I feel wet on my shoulder.  I look and realize that the headboard (which has shelves) has water spraying out of the middle shelf.  I become vey anxious and look for the cause.  I remove things in the way,  try to keep stuff from getting wet like electronics and paper.  I noticed that the other side of the shelf also has a leak, and I attempt to plug it up thinking it may help. It does, momentarily both of these holes are not leaking anymore... But then there is another leak somewhere else and I start to feel like I need to fix this before i leave. 

I am 99 % sure this is an anxiety dream about not getting everything done before I leave... Or leaving a mess behind and not having time to deal with it.   But I don't really know what the leak is... 

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