Bad luck
hahaha na everything is fine. Mike said as if trying to convince himself.
but honestly. The bad news is ok, my dad e mailed me saying the business prospects he was looking into, had invested in for the last 6-7 months had collapsed the head guy probably going to jail etc.
after a brief conversation we concluded things could be worse.
I keep getting bad news from one in particular that i care about, but recognizing my boundaries is good for both of us, allows me to stay positive and supportive, rather than questioning and confronting in frustration.
In all I think the challenges are ok. Like I told her tonight, the scary stuff is hard, but sometimes, sometimes we are ready to tell it to fuck off, to stop letting it control us.
In the same way, sometimes the scary things to hear are ok too. They put things in perspective, let us know how much we can deal with and how lucky we are. So I end the night very thankful. Very thankful -if i check my presidential e mail acount..... very thankful that I am surrounded by people who love and care for me, but even more, they know that I care for them too, even if they arent ready to admit its ok to love themselves too.
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