if you havent figured it out yet they only let me put 5 of these pics at a time up.
These are from my gramp's funeral. I was suprised, I felt like there was a difference between these soldiers and the ones I see today, they seemed to feel proud about their time served, and without guilt, and it was sort of reassuring. I dont know what order those pics will be in, but my mom did the service and highlighted the fact that my grandpa was a medic because he was somewhat of a pacifist and as much as i wasnt sure about that connection, i liked that she said it -in trying to make connections to our family.
things are decidedly mopey around here. This kid (i dont know him) died yesterday. People feel sad, some guilty, and some are just sick that others arent respecting the situation, and others are just sick or tired. but im sure some are trying to make things better so good luck to em eh?
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