Sunday, January 05, 2025

Hanged man


I’m at spyhouse, doing some research for the book mostly, thus far. The music is a bit loud and I’m. Considering leaving because I can’t hear any inner knowing… you know? I am tempted to read that don miguel Ruiz book I bought from five below, but then next chapter is “inner silence” and yah, ha ha. 

I’ve been scouring for myths, but the muse isn’t really with me today. I feel tired. It’s freezing out. I’ve been feeling behind and unproductive even though I’ve mostly done everything on my immediate list with the exception of cleaning the stairs and kitchen floor, and seeing illy. 

I went to church and the sermon was based on the book Aryn gave us a few weeks ago.  The music director started a short story about dreaming of alternative economies by saying “I remember everything about this story except the characters names…” and invited the audience to name them. It was playful and a nice hook. The music was great, the sermon was right on…  though I kept feeling really grateful for that murder, and how it seemed to create a line in the sand. In an odd way, giving hope that we could recreate things through this class realignment… billionaires are sick, we can either invite them back into community and relationship or cut them down, but allowing them to do this is poison. 

and I left hoping to do some writing. 

For some reason, what is on my mind is my lack of direction and knowing my priorities. Or rather knowing my priorities from what I seem to put energy into. 

Security, work, etc… 

At one point during our break up E said something along the lines of “I hope you figure out what you want” or “find what you’re looking for” or something  like that… and she didn’t mean it in a mean way or implying anything, just acknowledging that it seemed I was driven by something that wasn’t clear to me, and maybe it was to her - but she didn’t have answers for me, she knew I had to figure them out myself. 

I think it’s funny how apparently I have realized that I am not prioritizing family and children, even though I’ve always claimed I wanted that. I still wish for it, but wishing is resisting after all. 

I am not putting effort into love or romance at least right now… something else. 

So what are my priorities? Not travel, or starting a business, or my health… friends? Not really, work? Not really,  art and writing and blah? Somewhat, dreaming? I wish… and resist. 

Too much time on my phone. Lots of distraction.

I dunno. Will probably head home soon… and what will I do? Spend all the time on my phone? 

Saturday, January 04, 2025

One week down

 It’s Saturday.  I feel like I didn’t accomplish anything today even though I did. I have the nagging feeling of incompleteness, of something missing, and it hints of grief some of the time and other times just makes me wonder what the hell I am doing with my life. 

This past week was weird, with Tuesday and Wednesday off and cat sitting, I felt like my rhythm was completely thrown off and I liked it some of the time (getting time to be creative and not stressed) and was kind of miserable some of the time (the cat being clingy or keeping me up all night).  Working on Thursday and Friday was fine when I was with clients, but I felt fairly unfulfilled and also completely unmotivated. 

Friday night I didn’t really do anything productive. The cat went back to my dad’s, and I was tired. 

Today I woke up to my mom asking me if I wanted to come over to do puzzles. Conveniently I had plans already. Its weird though, that is the kind of thing I want to do, but I have too many other things I need to do… and the idea of driving to Saint Paul with the temp below zero sounded kind of miserable.  Instead, I had breakfast at French meadow with Gabi for 4 hours - which has become our tradition every 3-4 months. And we talked and talked and it was fun, even though I know I made her a little insecure at one point, but by 2 pm when I left, I felt like I had missed an opportunity to write. When I got home it was miserable cold out and I was hungry and needed to do some  chores so I did all that, and I didn’t have any creative will power from eating heavy food, and it was cold so I laid about/ napped under the blankets for a few minutes/hours and then finally woke up to eat another heavy meal. 

I finally did some reading related to my book, finding myths and folktails for the Lucy sections… gonna do some more. But I kept feeling like I needed to move or change or clean or something. Felt like I have too much space and it needs to be made super tidy or it won’t feel right… something doesn’t feel right. 

Maybe I need to meditate or watch a tarot or reiki video to get into my flow state… maybe I need to pray or cry. 

Church tomorrow, maybe illy or my mom or dad. Then work again, then repeat. 

I really want to get back into writing, but it takes time and creative energy and I don’t know if I have that during my work week. Maybe I need to reduce my expectations of how much I can accomplish.

I miss companionship, the ease of it, the security of it, the routines, how quickly time goes by when you are ok…

Black sheep seems to have closed. There goes the Friday ritual. 

Saw that insta post again so I’ve had this in my head all day.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025


I was listening to this song in the shower this morning and began to cry. I think it’s the mix of the words, melody and that rhythm that feels like you have to keep marching forward even though things aren’t ok. I love it.

I reread old blogs last night, a year ago is when she projectile vomited all over the door. Later we figured out that was part of the condition, the imbalance in her ear. I think I really didn’t know how to process watching someone I love struggle so much, watching them lose their self to this illness. 

Which is funny because wasn’t that also what happened in the past with people? Haven’t I seen this before several times.  A year of trying to stay in control while you worry the foundations are crumbling beneath you. 

This year will be better? Maybe. 

I feel so sad sometimes.