Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Material and Non-material Goals and Desires

Not that I believe in "the secret" or anything, but this year has helped me to recognize some of the goals I have for the future... So rather than assuming I'm gonna get in a car accident now that I've put a ton of money into my car, I figured I should do this. 

I would like my car to last three to four more years, after which I should be in a relatively good place to make payments on a new one (assuming I find employment after grad school).

Employment at a place where I can have some work life balance, but also feel useful and enjoy my job.

An apartment after gradschool, honestly it would be nice to own, but even being able to afford an apartment that is relatively decent would be good. It is looking likely that I will be living with roommates throughout gradschool because I just can't justify living alone when it costs me an extra 2-3 hundred a month, that's three grand a year I could be saving or paying school debt with.
-so in the meantime a decent low rent place with some peeps maybe a little closer to the river.

Some new pairs of pants, even used without holes or ink stains. Gonna need it for work anyway. 

Gradschool- friends, maybe a girl friend. Some assignments and lessons that make me think. An internship where I get to interact with fun people at a good location.

-Finish volume 1 before the end of gradschool and publish. That's two years  to write three and a half parts and edit the whole thing. 
Once it is done, I'll feel like I accomplished something, and can take my time on the sequel because already I can tell no one is interested... Existential science fiction is not a popular genre. 
-Start painting again. Maybe make a graphic novel of one of the stories.
-Do some work on the computer editing videos. 
-find a creative group of some sort... So that I don't feel on my own with these sorts of projects.
-have a desk/creative space. 
-practice Spanish occasionally- maybe internship will help. 

Consider Southeast Asia as a honeymoon spot if I ever find anyone. 

Old goals to keep around:
Gramps video
Poetry book
Clay sculptures
Painting in a gallery
6/7 continents ain't bad.

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