Thursday, April 05, 2012


 Back in Minneapolis, 
I already feel anxious
as if the things I haven't started
can no longer be completed
so I have this desire to sneak them in,
like "the checks in the mail"
 trouble is, I forgot what bills are due
I know I have a limited time
I know the areas of life that seem important
but what are the tasks

trouble is, I don't know if I care
with freedom comes the recognition that 
a lot of what we think is important, 
is really self designated,
is really bullshit.

So what happens without a perfect plan?
and if I should forget a key point
and if i should stumble into new beginnings
and if I should find something more fulfilling

would it be ok to walk away?
am I destined to walk this self same path
I could wake up one day miserable
contemplate forever
 kiss it all goodbye, 
and see the same opportunities 
as today, with less time to pursue them

oh well

I need to find a new coffee shop, a new habit, a new drug as the song goes.
I would like to walk more and move to a new neighborhood every month
It would be pleasant to not be so frustrated with my family for their desire to celebrate holidays to the point it feels more like obligation

gonna go read some buddhism.  in yo face

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