Thursday, July 05, 2007

un update general.

Well I spose I just got back from CO like 2 days ago... Tonight I am sposed to be going to the Sage Francis concert with Becky, but she hasnt called... and Im a little worried she forgot. Morgan and Illy both showed interest in going as well.

Yesterday Morgan and Illy and I hung out, went to the nature center, took his pet iguana Jub Jub who took a dip in the lake, and seemed generally a happy shade of green... even though she was on a leash. Illy is a little jetlagged... either that or she has lost some memory. She just got home from several months in Israel. It was really nice to see her... felt sort of like home again.
Morgan is pretty much the guy I want to be sometimes, and it doesnt help that my mom thinks so too. Of course, morgan's mom loves me, even though she doesnt really know me.. she saw me perform a poem in like 7th grade and seems to have loved me since... i threw away that poem, and didnt invite my mom that night, so its gone forever.
He is a freelance graphic artist now... which is sweet.

We had a fun, end of the world conversation with illy's mom, she might be going through a midlife crisis, and really wants a tattoo.

ooh a good song just came on.... "Margin Walker" by Fugazi....
I dont know why I like this song so much, it sort of sounds like fugazi mixed with rancid.

I got back from CO... I seem to like Boulder more and more and I grow... in the same way that I feel like I might be more likely to actually live in uptown now... sort of growing in to my yuppiness... I hung with Pete and Kiera like the whole time... well I spose thats not entirely true... i also hung out with their friends...
highlights... Lauren's house in the moutains.... beautiful spacious.. lots of drunken fun.
the hot heat... it was like 75 but 7000 feet up thats a scorcher.
We saw sicko... which was awesome... and I fell in love with the woman sitting next to me (a stranger) just cuz of her eyes and smile and laugh.... and she was loud and awesome..
um lets see.... kiera's parents are awesome...
guitar hero
Colorado people are sort of weird socially, because they dont ask about your life, they just ask if you wanna do stuff with them... like "hey want to play soccer?" rather than "hey what do you do?"
I spent most of the weekend feeling rather selfconscious... as many of their friends are gorgeous and athletic and what not... and even though they eat bad food, drink way too much, smoke pot and drink energy drinks all the time, they generally were rather fit. I was rather.... crap next to them... and games that involve removal of clothes scare me... its a good thing i brought my towel.
my hair sucks right now.

I spose i need a girl friend. but havent met anyone. me and illy are in the same boat there. though maybe she doesnt need one.
anyway... um concert tonight, and saturday. and uh work on monday. and maybe some 3b stuff some time.

i forgot all the lyrics of the songs i wrote in the car... but got some good cds.
boulder seems smaller and smaller everytime i go. its about the size of slp i think but with 2.5 times the people.... i spose if u add the other towns its ok... but it is rather small.

1 comment:

Yumi Lover said...

Why doesn't Morgan call me? Let's hang out soon. I got a perm in Korea. Oh yeah, I'm back