Friday, December 22, 2006

What the deals yo?

So Im sitting at home, waiting on some calls, plan is -to see most of my homies tonight -then leave manana for sioux falls (my dad wants to stop and go hiking on the way-weirdo)
anyway. then be back for xmas -hang with the 3Bers 26th 27-28 homies then do homework and study for the math test along with seeing everyone who aint just around for a week

life is fairly simple sounding for me.


um wondering how lex is all the time- since the last time i talked to her. But im not sure if i should call.


my little brother found the best cd ever, its called fade to bluegrass and consists of metallica songs done bluegrass style (better then you are thinking)


So far i have 3 x mas gifts for people... which means a lot of shopping in sioux falls.
unfortunately i dont have time to anything there, what with fam and what not.


its been too long since i had a little color in this blog, hope you enjoyed it.
peace and happy holidays.

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