Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentines eve

Not that I celebrate that or anything...
Well I spose I would have to.

My daily romantic horoscope today said I should try to be content with group activities and not worry about pairing off... I'm pretty sure that was a blanket message to anyone single today.
I woke around 11 and have done basically nothing since.

I looked through old pictures and reminisced about being in love. Remembering the smiles and concerns. I long for them right now.
Its been far too long.

It seems there are far too many lonely single people in the world.

I was wondering... would relationships be better off if once a year you were not required to be faithful...
Like I get weird when my partners drink... thats way too overbearing.
What if once a year I just assumed they were doing everything I didn't want them to.
As long as they were safe... would that be ok?

I am way too picky.


onceuponasunflower said...

I like that proposal. I've actually wondered that myself. Sometimes you just have to get stuff out of your system. What better way than a holiday of sorts to do it? Somehow I don't think others would agree with us.

You're not picky. You just know what you like. Nothing's wrong with that.

Happy Valentine's Day from a fellow single person! :)

Unknown said...

Stay picky...another word for that is discerning. It means you know what you want to expose yourself to in life and what you don't. It's like looking down at a pile of something, wondering if you should step in it (never having done it before) but something inside says it might be stinky and messy and deciding to walk around without ever having experienced it. How can that be a bad thing? Have a good day. Pam

Unknown said...'re right, don't borrow images, that is totally bad! Pam :)