And the king is in his court, counting all his diamonds, one by one they do fall... all powerful giants and their persuasion doesnt change the laws of gravity. Spend their time resting by rivers and finding alternative methods through meditation and I think I should too. Seeking, chasing as they say, calling out for a card to complete the set. Infinite space and exploration can start in a desk drawer, closet cases, the apathetic call it mind disgracing. Simple thoughts answers and questions, comments on existence yours mine I ME MY YOU seem cold tonight. You seem wanting. I seem departing and with it i think of subtle visions of jungles and swinging, open doors and find the same cold interiors made by the constant wind and the open windows, we could and should and would but we choose to keep open or maybe its our experiences and advisors. Short jokes comment on possibilities we never took. I seem in need of revolution, i seem in need cuz i feel satisfied.
(this hasnt anything to do with anyone but myself, no worries mate)
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