I’ve been listening to Ram Dass for months, read a few of his books years ago. I’ve read and heard about the Sufi concept of the unity of being etc.
but last night as I struggled to sleep, I had a dream about embracing G-d in the form of an archetypal beggar, the downtrodden. There was a moment of recognition that this was not a fellow human in the material sense, but rather an illumined being, a golden glowing warmth, and when I embraced him, I knew this was G-d, and that all things were of G-d, and that nothing could be impure or wrong, because it was all perfect. And in that recognition, I could accept myself as the same… that I was not separate from this golden glow, that I was part of, and mobilized by this force. And in the moment of recognition that all including myself were G-d (“in drag” as Ram Dass likes to say) I suddenly felt no fear and could embrace suffering, there was no distance or other. And the thing only lasted a second or two, but it was so easily applied to all things that I felt charged to love with abandon. Nothing could be wrong. Nothing could be more right. Perfection called me to recognize it in all… and the momentary assuredness left my body first, and then my mind struggled to grasp to apply, and then that too fell away… but I wasn’t left wanting (or at least not that much) because I knew if it was all perfect, than this forgetting, this momentary distance, was also perfect. It can’t be any other way….
I woke up somewhat tired and crabby, but it felt like such a turning point. At least for this little while.